India Trip, June to September 1974

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In June 1974 four of us, all students of the final year of Belgrade University of Architecture, started our trip, several years before, the Beatles, our favourite group, visited India. I’ll just list the most important places we visited from June to September 1974 in Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Nepal: Istanbul, Erzurum, Tabriz, Tehran, Mashhad, Jalalabad, Peshawar, Chandigarh, New Delhi, Agra, Varanasi, Patna, Kathmandu, Char Minar, Ajanta, Aurangabad, Ellora, Mumbai, Ahmedabad… This adventurous journey turned out to be life changing experience. What we learned: “Help those that are more needy and you can expect the same for yourself”. Compassion and Love!

50 years later, in June 2024, after visiting more that 50 countries on 4 continents, visiting more than 300 cities over 100.000 inhabitants, after 54 >psycho<geography> walks creating neighbourhood portraits and 429 urban squares collected, we are still considering India Trip the starting point and experience that we are considering worth remembering as a one of the best memories of the lifetime. I am still in touch with cootravelers, Bane Kovačević [Melbourne, Australia], Mika Živković [Krusevac, Srbija]. I am last 32 years living in Toronto, Canada. Unfortunately Žika Jeftović, 4th traveler, passed away last year.

Additional info
• Guest post on my daughter travel blog:
• New Delhi, city gallery with 30 photos:
• Varanasy [Benares], city gallery with 30 photos:
• Kathmandu, city gallery with 30 photos:
• Bane Kovachevich website dedicated to this trip:
• Souvenirs from India Trip:

We would like to hear any comments or your own experience from the travel, don’t be shy!


Joy in the park

Jamii Esplanade – Joy in the park

26 more photos in our gallery

One of the highlights of the event “Joy in the Park” was the unveiling of Jamii’s new photo exhibition “Placemaking“, curated by Sabrine S Hakam, with artistic advisor Sarah S Ahmad, and showcasing the talent of seven local photographers. One of the selected photos is mine, “Beware of Artists, they mix with all classes of society and are therefore the most dangerous“.

The exhibition explores the concept of ‘making space’ for underrepresented groups or ideas to shine in public areas. The selected photographs present a compelling narrative of human behaviour within community spaces. I am pleased to belong to this community and contribute to the well-being of all of us. Jamii is making us proud, this type of practice are making cities dynamic and livable. It is rejuvenated, encouraging the change and blending old and new.

This project is part of the CONTACT Photography Festival.